Συνέντευξη από τον κ. Β. Λεωνίδη για ομάδες κοινωνικά αποκλεισμένων ατόμων

Η ομάδα ersamus+ κάλεσε στο σχολείο τον κ. Βλαδίμηρο Κυριακίδη, συνεργάτη του Ο.Κ.Α.Ν.Α για να συζητήσει μαζί του θέματα κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού. Συγκεκριμένα τέθηκαν ερωτήσεις από τους μαθητές σχετικά με το ποιες κοινωνικές ομάδες θεωρούνται περιθωριοποιημένες στην Καβάλα, ποιο  είναι το οικονομικό και ηλικιακό τους προφίλ καθώς και τους τρόπους πρόσέγγισης αυτών των ομάδων και της ένταξή τους στο ευρύτερο κοινωνικό σύνολο.

Ακολουθεί η συνέντευξη στα αγγλικά: 

  • I work in the addictions prevention center of Kavala-OKANA which is a govermental organization. The main tasks of my job is to inform the local community about the dangers of the drug problem by taking all the necessarily measures. In our sector we believe that it is better to prevent a problem such as the use of drugs than to cure it. We oranize and decelop health prevention programms linked with the problem of drug use, alcohoo and internet addiction. These programms are to the students of elementary and high schools in the classroom and also to their theachers. Furthermore our programms are attended by parents who would like to be informed about how to protect their children from all these dangers. I also provide counselling psychology to people who are linked with such matters.
  • According to our files the number of people helped by attending our programms during the last year is

         1240 students in primary and high schools

         87 teachers

         206 parents

         96 persons for counselling psychology services

  • The budget for this year is about 160,000 euros
  • We are 6 people working here. 3 Psychologists, 1 social worker, 1 Sociologist and 1 secretary. In our job we are responsible for the population of thw whole district of Kavala, about 150, 000 people
  • One social group in our region that we are trying to approach, inform and work with them is the Roma people (about 2000 people) and also the immigrants from Syria, Pakistan and Afganistan (about 400 people)
  • First situation i am working on is the problem of internet addiction, from children at hte age of 10-12. for that reason we have planned a special prevention progam, visting the last two classes of many elemantary schools in the region of Kavala, where we discuss and analyze the facts that lead to addiction and and how children can protect theirselves. Another situation is the role of a teacher and how he or she can inspire his or hers students, how he can work with success with them and make them better persons. And a third one is working with parents, making them to understand the needs of their children, and give them the opportunity to grow mentalu healthy peopple.
  • None action by itshelf alone is enough. In our job we believe that only a mix of combined actions, together with other services or organizations that are also envolved in this issue would be a significant effort
